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POS-S-TURN – 70-degree Corner Angle XNMV 1105 Insert for Multidirectional and High Feed Turning Applications

POS-S-TURN 70-degree Corner Angle XNMV 1105 Insert for Multidirectional and High Feed Turning Applications graphics AG Technik

TaeguTec has expanded the POS-S-TURN line by adding the 70-degree corner angle XNMV 1105 insert for multidirectional and high feed turning applications. Get to know more!

Multidirectional and High Feed Turning with No Down Time and High Productivity

The POS-S-TURN line dramatically improves productivity due to its all-directional and high feed turning capabilities.

The XNMV 1105 is a double-sided 4-corner insert with a 70-degree angle. It combines the advantages of the ISO CNMG and DNMG inserts for various machining applications such as external turning, face turning and external profiling.

Highly efficient machining with a maximum 3.5 mm depth of cut in both external forward turning and face turning aswell as good chip control.

Let’s get to know what the POS-S-TURN line features:

  • 4-corner double-sided insert with a 70-degree corner angle
  • Unique waved cutting edge provides good chip control even at variable depths of cut
  • Reduced set-up and machining time by multidirectional turning with one holder (forward turning and facing: up to 3.5 mm depth of cut, backward turning: high feed machining up to 0.8 mm/rev (high productivity), capable of profile machining, reduced downtime)
  • Both forward and backward turning enables the use of the insert’s entire cutting edge, resulting in longer tool life
  • Compatible with the existing TXJNR/L… 1105(-TB) holder (-TB: high-pressure coolant type)

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