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DRILL EX-SUS SERIES – TiN-coated HSSE precision drills

DRILL EX-SUS SERIES TiN-coated HSSE precision drills AG Technik graphics

The EX-SUS-GDS & EX-SUS-GDR from OSG drill line is famous worldwide for its incredible performance in gummy materials like stainless steel. Its high helix and refined X-thinning point geometry yield incredible sharpness which make it the ideal solution for processing soft materials. Available in stub and jobber lengths and in diameter increments of every 0.01 mm. Find out more about these precision drills!

DRILL EX-SUS SERIES – TiN-coated HSSE precision drills: main advantages

  • No center drills needed. Achieves high accuracy high shearing forces ideal in gummy materials.
  • Added heat resistance via 3% Vanadium content yields superior performance to standard High Speed Steel drills.
  • Increased hardness and lubricity increases wear resistance thereby extending tool life.
  • Over 1.100 sizes available from stock, with diameter tolerances that can replace reaming operations.

DRILL EX-SUS SERIES – TiN-coated HSSE precision drills: applications

  • Aluminum Alloy, Cast Aluminum, Low Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel.
  • In applications where internal coolant supply is not possible the EX-SUS drill is the absolute most cost-effective solution for Stainless Steel.
  • Any drilling application where you cannot locate an “in-between” diameter size in anyone else’s drill offering.

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